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Annie Kim
Portrayed by Irene Choi
Annie Kim
First seen Geography Of Global Conflict
At Greendale to... ...To be the evil twin of Annie Edison

I'm sorry. I don't understand what your relationship is here. Are you her father or her lover?

Annie Kim, to Jeff in "Geography of Global Conflict"

Annie Kim is Annie Edison's classmate from her Political Science course. According to Annie Kim, she had a very high G.P.A.- the same number as Annie Edison- before attending Greendale. Although she had a lighter course load in comparison to Edison, she still managed to start 17 clubs. She also claims her high school was higher ranked than Riverside High which Annie Edison and Troy Barnes attended. Although Edison made an attempt to become friends with her, they ultimately became bitter rivals. Her first appearance was in the Season Three episode "Geography of Global Conflict". She is portrayed by actress Irene Choi.

At Greendale

Annie Kim first gets the attention of Annie Edison when she is picked to answer a question by Professor Cligoris in Poli Sci class. Not only did she get the answer right, but she was also praised by the teacher which bothered Edison. Brushing aside her feelings, Edison tried to form a friendship with her and even introduced her to the study group. Although she would try to deny it, their competitive natures were very apparent to everyone, and the group warned Edison not to let the rivalry get the best of her.

Edison later finds out Kim started a model UN, an idea she had come up with herself earlier on. Edison and Jeff go to Poli Sci class and confront her on stealing the idea. Kim doesn't deny it but also says that the credit should still be hers since she actually went and carried out the idea. Jeff suggests that Edison start her own model UN at which point Professor Cligoris steps in. He proposes that they have a model UN showdown to determine the real one.

At the Model UN competition, Edison enlists the study group's help as the Blue UN while Kim leads the Red UN with a group that includes Vicky. Edison's UN starts off strong with an early lead by easily settling 'crisis alert' challenges. Unfortunately, the study group ends up being distracted by someone's flatulence. Unable to get her group to focus on the task at hand, Edison has an emotional breakdown and makes a spectacle of herself in front of everyone. Kim takes advantage of the situation, and her UN takes the lead.

In a surprising move, Edison and her group try to make a comeback with an unorthodox plan suggested by Abed. Professor Cligoris overrules Kim's objections, allowing Edison's last ditch effort. The Blue UN offers that they both concede the match and that the Red UN join them to form a union, a "united United Nations". Kim rejects the offer preferring the real victory over an idea. Cligoris explains that's what the UN is at its heart, rhetoric and ideas, and that Edison's Blue UN has perfectly simulated it by their actions. He awards the contest to Edison as an incredulous Annie Kim looks on.


In this interview with The A.V. Club, Harmon says that when looking for actresses for the role of Annie Edison, he wanted racial diversity among the characters and was looking to cast an Asian or Latina.


  • "I recall other Annie mentioned the concept, but she certaintly didn't have the initiative to find a faculty advisor. I didn't realize all you had to do was declare dibs."--Annie Kim
  • "You're a fool. Your is ultimatum is itself a technical act of aggression. If we simply refuse to recognize your authority, we still remain ahead and you lose."--Annie Kim rejecting Edison's offer to join them as one U.N.
